List views, in the Business DirectoryLeads/Customers or Quotes/Orders, are customizable.

1. list

Hover over any column header to reveal the drop-down arrow.  Pull the drop-down and hover over “Columns” to see the available columns for this page.

2. column dropdown

Determine which columns you would like to see in the list by checking and unchecking the boxes accordingly.  In this case, we added “Owner” to the list.


3. add column


Drag & drop the columns left and right to arrange them in a particular order.

4. move column


In this case, we placed the “Owner” column to the left, making it easier to find.

5. column moved


You can save any number of custom views.  Simply type a view name (avoiding characters like & and ) and click on the disk to the right.

6. save view


When you save a custom view, you will see the “Save View” pop-up giving you two new options.  Filling the “Default?” checkbox tells Equilibrium that you want your custom view to be the default view whenever you come to this page.  The “Global?” checkbox should be used with extreme caution.  The Global option makes your custom view available to everyone in your organization.  You should only check the Global checkbox at your manager’s request.  You do not have to check either box… you can simply click Save View.  Your new view will appear alphabetically in the drop-down list of views.

7. global


Views are specific to the page on which they were created.  In other words, a custom view created and saved in the Quote list will not be available when you view Orders, and vice versa.