May 2021 Features & Fixes

The following are new features & fixes added May 31, 2021.

1) Performance Improvements When Deleting Items / Groups /Rooms

Drastic performance improvements have been made for when you delete multiple items, via bulk-delete, delete item group, or delete room. All of these work much faster than previous version. 

Customers with large databases were seeing performance issues when deleting some items/groups/rooms. It still takes some time but the issues preventing it from working correctly have been resolved.

2) You can Now Add Misc Items to the Same Purchase Orders as Catalog Items

Previously in EQ, if you had catalog items and Misc Items from the same supplier, the Misc Items would have to go on a SEPARATE PO from the catalog items. That’s because they could not be combined.

Now you can add Misc Item to a PO that has catalog items.

Step 1) Create the PO with Catalog Items on it

Step 2) Check the “Show only misc items” checkbox. This will also show the Misc Item for that same supplier

Step 3) Click and drag any Misc Items you want to add to the PO with Catalog Items on it on the right side

This will add the Misc Item to the same PO as the catalog items.

NOTE: the line that shows the supplier of the Misc Items will still show on the Purchasing Tab, but there won’t be the red text that says there are items remaining to purchase.

3) Calendar Improvements

Some improvements have been made to the calendar Job panel on the right. They are as follows:

First – the speed of the Jobs list has been improved

Second – The “Show Scheduled” checkbox and the “Show Completed” checkbox now ONLY show Scheduled and Completed in the list when you check them. Previously they still showed all other Jobs, but the scheduled were in green, and the completed were in red. Now those boxes limit the list to JUST the one you’ve selected for easier finding.




We’re excited to give EQ users these fixes / features and appreciate your patience as we continue to improve EQ in every way possible.