Easy Commissions With
Equilibrium Software
Every dealer can benefit in a big way with Equilibrium. It streamlines their business and helps them not only sell more, but sell more efficiently. Simply get us connected and we’ll show them how.
3 Main Systems at Kitchen Dealers
There are 3 main silos of systems for Kitchen & Bath companies. Design software to do the visual design and accounting system for banking, general ledger, financial reports, taxes and related areas. Equilibrium fills the middle space and does everything from tracking Leads, Supplier Catalogs, Quoting, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Scheduling, Installation and Service. Equilibrium can integrate with both sides to make the entire thing one seamless process. Equilibrium is used to run the company on a daily basis.
Everything a Dealer Sells
is Housed in One System
Equilibrium is the system that houses everything the dealer sells. All products, pricing, labor, and services are included. Costs and pricing are generated from within the software based on the customer they are quoting, automatically. This makes it so their salespeople or designers can focus on what they’re good at, instead of dealing with the minutia of pricing and quoting.
The Dealer’s Process IS
Equilibrium’s Process
Equilibrium starts at capturing an initial Lead the dealer hopes to do business with. Then it tracks the information about the Opportunity. When it’s time, Equilibrium makes quoting very easy with everything they’re proposing to sell. The Job is then tracked all the way through the company until it’s done. This includes all processes around Quoting, Purchasing, Scheduling, Service, etc.
Can I make recurring revenue by referring dealers to Breakfront’s Equilibrium Software?
YES! And here are some answers to other questions.
Do I really only need to get dealers to look at a demo?
Yep. Just connect us and get them to view an online (or on-site) demonstration, and we’ll take it from there. Once the sale closes you begin getting recurring commissions.
Can I see what Equilibrium is so I can understand its benefit to my dealers?
You bet! Just contact us and we’ll setup an online demo with you and walk you through what you need to be able to approach your dealers about it.
Do I get an exclusive region?
We don’t do exclusivity in regions, so your area is wide open to whomever can get us in the door first.
Is there a Rep agreement?
Yes. We have a standard Rep agreement that explains how the relationship works between our Reps and Breakfront Software.
Can I refer ANY dealer?
Absolutely. It doesn’t have to be a dealer you’re a rep for. Get the conversation going to get us into a demo and it’s yours.