The Vendor’s Voice is about Kitchen & Bath Industry Suppliers and Manufacturers

Come here to keep up on what’s happening (or what SHOULD be happening) in the world of the K&B Industry

Simplify Your Ordering System

As a manufacturer you’re in the unique position of having contact with your clients on a nearly-daily basis through your ordering system. Dealers quote your brands to consumers, and once they have made the sale, they enter the order information into your system. Your...

Your Next Business Intelligence Hire

Manufacturers tend to mine data from disparate systems in order to make decisions about their products. You pull historical numbers in order to predict what may happen if you change something or decide to launch a new SKU. It truly is the stuff of crystal balls and...

The Manufacturer Order Entry Crap Show

As cabinet manufacturers experience the first signs of increased orders, old problems still seem to haunt.  Incomplete orders, partial specifications and even the occasional missing specie or door style are par for the course as manufacturers continue the madness of...

Who Will Break the Paradigm?

Who Will Break the Paradigm?

Most cabinet manufacturers consider it a risky proposition to give the ability to see their line priced against their competitors to their dealers. The main line of thinking is that they’ll lose more business than they’ll gain.  We guess that the glass is half empty...

What Kind of Reps do you Staff?

What Kind of Reps do you Staff?

Most vendors’ have reps, but many do not have a clear definition of what their rep’s job function is. Is the candidate a sales rep or an account manager? Or, are they expected to be a hybrid of these very different things depending on the day? After all, account...