Contract Pricing! You Can Now LOCK Your Price on an Order so it Doesn’t Change

MAJOR FEATURE! Now you can have your price LOCKED (either manually or via workflow step) so that the “Contract Price” won’t change, even if you make changes to the line items or prices.

You’ll now notice this field on your Pricing tab of your Orders. 

If you check the box, and put in your “Contract Price”, the order will now re-price at the contract price and stay at that price no matter what you change on the order. 


Since you’ve selected Contract Price, the order will always price at this TOTAL PRICE. Then if you change something, the price which it WOULD BE if you didn’t lock it in Contract is shown on the “Calculated Grand Total” line. So you can see what it would be if it was NOT locked.

The difference between the “Calculated” total price, and the “Contract Price” is called the “Contract Variance” and shows on that bottom line. Here you can see what the difference is between what you locked it at, and what it NOW calculates to.


Instead of locking the Contract Price manually on the Pricing tab, you can set a Workflow Step for your company to lock it automatically. Your administrator can edit the workflow step and check this box on the desired Workflow step. When an Order is advanced to this step, it will automatically click the “Contract Price” checkbox, and put the current price in as the Contract Price. 


The Contract Pricing feature is meant to lock the price AFTER the customer has signed the proposal, and the Job is moving forward. It’s not meant for a place to change the price and then try to print a Proposal for the Customer again. If you want to do that, use the Adjustments method. Contract Pricing is used to say “they’ve signed the deal, now I want to lock the price in case any minor changes happen.”

The affect of this is that you won’t have to “Adjust” the order anymore to match what the contract was signed for if something changes along the way. This means you can correct the cost of an item, add additional things necessary, or edit something that was wrong on the order, all without changing the contracted price of the Order.

To make reports accurate, Proposals, Contracts and Internal Reports now show the Contract Variance if there is one. Again, that is not meant to give to a customer on a Proposal. It’s so that the numbers are correct after the fact.

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