There are certain items in catalogs that are called “User-Specified Cost” items. That means that they are typically custom quote type of items where the user needs to put in the list price and EQ will then calculate the cost and the price.
You will be reminded when you have one of these items because the item won’t price until you enter the user-specified cost. So you’ll have a red dollar and the hovertext message will say “User Specified Cost not entered!”.
IMPORTANT! Remember that it’s called “User Specified Cost”, but the number you enter is actually the LIST price of that item. That list price gets factored down based on the cost factor for that catalog, and priced based on the pricing profile chosen.
To enter your User-Specified Cost, follow these steps:
Step 1 – Show the User-Specified Cost Column
Hover your mouse over any column on the Items List and you’ll see the drop-down arrow appear. Click the arrow and select “Columns” so you can see and add the column called “User Specified Cost” by clicking the checkbox.
Step 2 – Enter the User Specified Cost
With the column visible, you can click into the User Specified Cost field and type in your list price. Then hit the save button at the bottom of the page.
Once you save you should see a green dollar since it has what it needs to price.
Most catalogs have a code built in to cover items that may not be in the catalog (i.e. custom items, specials, etc.). “MISC-PART” is added to most cabinet manufacturer catalogs in EQ. This code is a “User Specified Cost” code that you can enter LIST pricing and notes about the item. EQ will then apply cost factor and sales mark up just as it does with normal catalog SKUs.
Some manufacturers also build in custom cabinet and custom panel codes that are User-Specified Cost items. Those are for any custom or non-defined price items so you can enter the quoted cost (list) through the catalog like the rest of the items.