If you’re having a problem getting reports to show up when trying to view them in Firefox, it may be due to a Firefox update that changed PDF settings. Try the following to change it back.
Firefox releases updates sometimes which change the default setting for which plugin or application is called when EQ users view and print reports. Some users may experience a black box over their company logo on their report with Firefox’s new plugin, or it might try to open the reports another way than just showing it in a preview in Firefox.
To change the Firefox setting back to what it was, follow the instructions below.
Step 1 – Go into Firefox Options
In Firefox “Options” scroll down to the “Applications” section and look for Portable Document Format (PDF).
Step 2 – Change the Default Application that Opens PDF Files
Make sure “Preview in Firefox” is selected if you want to automatically preview your reports in EQ. If you want to be prompted to save the reports or open them in another application (like Acrobat), choose the option to prompt you to save the file.