If the Job address is the same as the Customer address, Equilibrium saves you time by noting this on the Job record.  Simply check the boxes accordingly.

1 address tab


When you check the second box, you will see a notification stating that you need to Import the Customer Address.

2 Import Needed


Click “Import Customer Address” and select the “Ship To” from the drop-down.  Then click “Import Address.”

3 Import modal


After you import the address, it will appear as an address label on the page.  The Bill To Address appears in the customer information section (upper left-hand section) of Proposal & Contract print-outs, while the Ship To Address appears in the job information section (upper right-hand section) of Proposal & Contract print-outs.  This address will also appear on Purchase Orders if you designate the Customer or Job as the PO’s Ship To.

4 Address label