January 2023 EQ Update

The following improvements and updates have been implemented in the January EQ update.


1) Catalog Switcher Improvements

We’ve revamped many things with the Catalog Switcher, and continue to make improvements. To read all about how to best use the Catalog Switcher read this new post.

2) Specbooks Import – Import Now Works for Both Catalog Types

Previously the Specbooks import only mapped to a certain type of EQ catalog. Now it imports into both types of catalogs you have in EQ (National catalogs and local User-Defined catalogs).

3) Improvements to Bulk Actions

We’ve fixed multiple issues when you select multiple line items and choose “Edit Selected”. Things like checking “Charge for Install”, “PFS”, and “Show on Room Report” have been improved to work more consistently.

4) Misc Improvements / Fixes

– Added history events for Bulk-Deleting Selections and Modifications

– Fix for when you delete a required selection and it doesn’t put the placeholder back to add it