2016 Brings a MAJOR new release of EQ! The following features are part of the new version.
Job, Quote & Order Features
- New Design Import
- Import 2020 Version 10 and Later
- Bring 2020 Design “Notes” into EQ Order on Import
- Identify multiple 2020 code matches on import
- Ability to correct codes within import wizard
- Recognize multiple catalogs in 1 CSV import file on import
- Ability to omit selections when importing from 2020
- Ensure selections apply to all necessary items on import
- Automatically delete the empty room tab after importing from design
- Ability to Copy/Duplicate a Room to a New Room in the same Quote/Order
- Add Job “Project” functionality with Location & Directions so Jobs can inherit directions from Project they are in (shown on Pick List)
- When changing a product or editing the code, KEEP the selections and mods after the change if possible
- Add “Ship To Location” as Option in Catalog Ship to Field – have it ship to the “Ship To” location that is set in the location in which the order was sold
- Auto-Delete empty room tab when importing from design
- Add option for a “Default Delivery Charge” in the Location options that will auto-populate
- Additional columns added to the PO List
- Overall Job Financial Summary Report (Financial breakdown including PO’s and Variances)
- Ability to filter Order List for “Installed” Orders
- Ability to Quickly Copy Line Item Notes (to Supplier Notes)
- Add “Customer PO’s” column in Quote/Order list
- Add “Directions” box to Customer Address
- Ability to change order of Pricing Profiles
- Provide hovertext on the “Actions” circles on order line items to show the date when the item was “Purchased”, “Received” or “Delivered”
- Add a column on the Order List to show “Last Received Date” and “Last Delivered Date” for filtering and sorting
- Add Bulk Action of “Advance Workflow” on Order List to advance multiple orders at once
- Show List Price for Selections & Mods in the grid on Order Line Items
- Add a “Total Cost” column in the Quote/Order grid to see costs of Orders
- Add “UPS/FedEx” Option to “Ship Via”
- Add Sort / Filer Ability in Job/Order Documents list
- Change “Job Label” and “Order Label” to “Job Name” and “Order Name”
Misc Features
- Scheduling Calendar now includes all Jobs “Won” instead of just those with Orders
- Performance improvements on scheduling calendar
- Improved Filters in Scheduling Calendar
- Can now open Job or Order directly from clicking hyperlink in Purchase Order list
- Add “Created By” in Order List to filter list by who created Quote/Order
- Default Tax Rate applies to all Opportunities
- Hide “Use Tax” labels on Proposals
- Add field in Business Directory to show which users are “Licensed” in EQ
- Add “Description” column in Business Directory
- Ability to jump from PO List directly to Job or Order
- Order Label now appears on printouts
- Display the actual name (label) of the Location in Ship To Column or PO’s
- Display Payment Terms on Printouts
- Add “Description” as a column in the Business Directory
- Add “Select All Locations” to Supplier Account Number form
- Add Customer/Job on Sales by Salesperson Widget Report
- Ability to edit Supplier Account Number Labels
- By default, check the checkbox to include the user when emailing to a customer / supplier
- Add “Order Name” to show on Purchase Orders
- When tabbing to Quantity in Order Line Items, select the qty so it can be typed over instead of having to backspace
- Make Warranty and No Charge Hovertext more descriptive on Service Orders
- Add “V1”, “V2”, etc. to Quote Versions that are copied instead of “Copy”
Improvements / Fixes
- Server improvements for faster performance
- User-Defined Catalogs performance improvements
- Deleting Items or Rooms performance improvements
- Supplier Notes now appearing on Check List Report
- Improved and revamped Sidekick Search
- Clarify “Notes” fields for better understanding of where they will show
- Increased size of “PO Number” on Purchase Orders
- “Add Existing Contact” form should pre-populate Customer/Job in results
- Remove red bar that says license is expiring
- Improved “Add Note” functionality in Quote Notes
- Improvements to Checkboxes on “Bill To”, “Ship To”, and “Physical” locations
- Make it more obvious when users are missing the “Pricing Profile” when pricing an order
- Improved accuracy of Adjustment Limits. Now enforced on pricing tab when adjusted
- Improved accuracy of Gross Margin limits protected by the Workflow
- Improved order of Roles to know how much authority they have
- Line item prices on contract how reflect the “Adjusted” price
- Improved whitespace / spacing on contract
- System Admin should automatically have access to new locations as they are created
And many other improvements!