Proposal / Contract Updates
First – NEW Contract Added to EQ
We’ve created a new Contract which shows “Descriptions Only” for lines you indicate should show. This Contract allows you to truly customize what data lines your customer sees on the Contract. It can be as simple as just showing your Rooms / Item Groups with their subtotals like this (along with any contract text you already have):
Or, you can add description lines to clarify anything you want within any Room or Item Group like this:
To add this kind of description line, put what you want in the “Description” field, and click the “Show on Room Report” checkbox. You’ll also want to click the “Pull From Stock” checkbox so the item doesn’t go through the purchasing process.
Second – Updates to Existing Proposals / Contracts
1) Proposal / Contract Label Changes
All Proposals & Contracts now say “Customer” instead of “Submitted To”, and instead of just “Address” on the Customer side, the label says “Bill To Address”.
2) Description Field Size Increased on Line Item Contracts
On the two “Line Item Contracts”, the Description field has been widened to show more information. The “Notes” field on the right of it is now more narrow to make room for the larger Description.
3) PQ/OQ Changed to “Qty” and Better Spaced
What used to say “PQ/OQ” (Pricing Qty and Order Qty) on Line Item Contracts has been simplified and streamlines into just “Qty” for better spacing.
4) Supplier Name Removed From Header (Catalog Name Only)
For the 2 Line Item Contracts, the section header previously showed the Supplier Name – Catalog Name, which took a lot of space. Now the header only shows Catalog Name, which you have the ability to name the catalog whatever you want in the setup.