Instructions on Switching Items to a New Catalog

When you need to switch line items to another catalog, follow these directions.

IMPORTANT! BEFORE you do this, take note (or a snapshot) of what your pricing is and what your selections and modifications are in case you need to reapply them after the catalog is changed or compare to the pre-changed Quote. You may also want to work from a “Copy” of the original Quote just to keep the old one intact for reference.

Step 1: Select all the Items you want to switch over to the new catalog (the “select all” checkbox or select them individual, or you can use the “select all” checkbox for the item group)


Step 2: Choose “Bulk Actions” and “Edit Selected”


Step 3: Change the “Catalog” to the new catalog: IMPORTANT – ONLY CHANGE THIS ONE THING (do not change any other field), then click “Save Changes”


Step 4: Check your pricing, selections and modifications to ensure it’s still what you want. You may need to reapply selections and modifications if they don’t appear on the newly switched items.


Done: Now you should be able to move your Quote forward in the regular way.