Aug 2020 New Features / Fixes

The following are new features & fixes added August 3, 2020.

1) Cubes Added to Purchase Orders 

You can now see how many cubes are on a Purchase Order, or on an Item. This is utilized many times when figuring how many cabinets (or other things) can fit on a truck in either purchasing or delivery. 

First – Cubes now show on line items. When you edit an item you can see its Cube qty.





Second – Those Cubes now get summed up to the Purchase Order in Purchasing. You can view the “Cubes” column by adding it to the Global PO List, OR in the Sales Order PO list (same method).







Third – In the Global PO List, you can calculate Cubes for multiple PO’s to see how many you have. All you do is filter the PO List for what you want to see (i.e. for a certain manufacturer), then select the PO’s you want to include (check box on each PO), and click the “Calculate Cubes” button at the top of the PO list.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Cubes is a NEW calculation on PO’s, meaning that they populate now that the update is in. Cube numbers are not populated on previous PO’s UNLESS the Sales Order is re-priced. So it will be a “from now on” type of update where from this point forward cubes will show up on items as they are added to orders. To have Cubes populate on previous order, they just need to be re-priced. 

ALSO NOTE: Some of your catalogs may not be loaded with Cubes in the data. If you find Cubes are zero for any of your catalogs that you would like to track Cubes for, email and let us know. 


2) New 5 Additional Scheduling Calendars Added

Users have been asking for “More Calendars”. Well here they are. You now have 5 additional calendars to add to your scheduling calendar. If you don’t need that many, just deactivate them under “Setup” and “Scheduling” so they don’t show. 

3) Support / Training Links to Website

The links in EQ to support now take you directly to our “Help and Training Centers” on Breakfront’s website. That’s where you can view answers to many support questions, chat with our support department, get the number to call support, or submit an inquiry directly on the website for help. You will also see a link to the training center for information about using EQ.  

Other minor improvements are also included.