Import From 2020 As Misc Items Not Tied to Catalog
If there’s ever a time where you either do NOT have the most current catalog in EQ for a manufacturer, or maybe you don’t have that catalog in EQ at all, but you still want to import your design from 2020. Now you can! You can import your design and have EQ bring the items in as Misc Items, not tied to a catalog at all.
You may wonder how the items get priced then? Or how they get the correct cost? Well, when you import as Misc Items EVERYTHING comes from 2020. Exactly how the export file has it. The product code, cost, sell, qty, description, and notes. So EQ doesn’t calculate anything for those items. It just brings in what was exported from 2020.
In order to do this, you must export your design from 2020 as a Cost/Sell report (not the usual Order Form). In order to get the correct Cost and Sell prices in your 2020 Cost/Sell export, you need to ensure you configure your cost and sell factors inside 2020. We’ll cover that part first.
Setup Your 2020 Catalogs for Cost-Sell Charges
1) Configure Your Cost and Sell Factors in 2020 Catalog
To have 2020 calculate your cost and sell price correctly, you need to go into Catalog Settings and set your cost factor and sell factor. Open op your 2020 Charges Editor in your Catalog Manager.
2) Add a Cost-Sell Rate to the “Rates” Tab for your Catalog
For each catalog you want to have cost and sell exported, you need to add a cost-sell factor for that catalog. In the Charges Editor you can select the desired catalog from the drop-down list, then click “Add” to add a new charge for your cost-sell report.
3) Name Your Cost-Sell Charge and Enter the Cost and Sell Factors
Rename the new Cost-Sell charge to “Cost-Sell” (long and short description) as indicated below. Then put in the cost factor for your catalog under the “Overall Cost Factor” line (in this case it’s Price7). Your cost factor is a percent of list price, so something like .4 or .5, etc.
THEN you need to set your “Sell” price by entering the desired markup on the “Overall Discount or Markup” line. If you want your markup to be 30%, you would enter 1.3. If 50% then 1.5, etc.
NOTE: You only need to do this one time for each catalog you plan to export this way. This new charge will show available in that catalog in 2020 from this point on.
Export Your 2020 Design as a Cost-Sell Report
1) Choose Your Cost/Sell Rate in 2020 Design
In order for 2020 to use the Cost and Sell factors you setup for the catalog, you have to add it to the design. Go to “Styles & Pricing” and to the “Catalog Charges” tab. Then select your “Cost-Sell” charge under the “Value” drop down for “Rates” as pictured below.
2) Pull Up the Cost-Sell Report
Now that your Cost-Sell charges are in place, in 2020, go to Reports
In Report type dialog bog, choose the “Cost/Sell” report and hit OK
In the Cost/Sell Report Options, choose “User Codes & Descriptions” in the Nomenclature selection. Then match the other checkboxes to this screenshot.
Then click to view the report.
3) Export the Cost-Sell Report in Excel Format
While the report is up, you will see an “Export” button at the top of the screen.
This is the same process as a regular export for EQ, only this time when you click “Export” you will choose the “Excel” format instead of the “CSV” format
From here just save the file to your location like the regular process to export from 2020.
Import Your Cost-Sell Export into EQ as Misc Items
1) Import the Design Choosing “Cost/Sell Report”
To import as Misc Items, follow the normal import process, but instead of choosing the “2020 Design Import” option, choose “2020 Cost/Sell Report”.
2) From the Catalog List, Choose “Import As Misc Items”
Instead of picking a catalog to import the items into, choose “Import As Misc” to tell EQ you’re importing them as Misc Items instead of Catalog Items.
3) Select Your Supplier
Since you’re importing items not connected to a catalog, you’ll need to specify which Supplier the items belong to.
4) Import the Items
The import wizard will show you what’s being imported. Just click next and finish to import the items.
5) Check Your Details (Cost, Sell, Description, etc.)
Once the items are imported, price the order and double check the items you just imported. Ensure the cost, sell and other data look correct for what you imported. Pay close attention to the cost and sell since those are sourced from your 2020 settings which may be difficult to set inside your 2020 catalog settings.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This import process is effectively saying you will be taking all data from 2020 instead of using the EQ pricing process. That being the case, if something needs to be updated or changed, you may need to update it in 2020 and re-export if it’s too complex to just change your items in EQ.
Selections & Mods
Importing from 2020 as Misc Items does NOT use “Selections” the way catalogs use them in EQ. Selections and modifications come in from 2020 as their own line items. So if a B30 has a mod of a Reduced Depth (RD), that RD will be a line item immediately after the B30 it’s on. The pricing associated with the mod will also be part of the mod line item.
Selections also come in as their own line, including the cost / sell of the selection as well.
For line items imported this way, you will not be able to change selections via the EQ selections tab. You’ll need to change them in 2020 and re-export if it affects pricing in order to get your updated price.