Recently, we addressed a futuristic view of the world of kitchen sales. Sometimes examples help ground us in the reality of a possibility.
Car Sales
Auto retailing is fast morphing into a new model. Most people search the internet to find the details, then the best deal on a car. This has completely turned the model of the auto sales professional upside down. What was once the commissioned sales profession of automobile selling has now been transformed into non-commissioned “product specialist” roles. If our word isn’t good enough, check out this Yahoo finance piece.
As the article states, “today, buyers call or walk into a showroom already armed with a car’s invoice price, competing dealer bids and discounts from the manufacturers, and can get updates on their cellphones while standing in the store.” If that doesn’t change the sales dynamic for an industry, we don’t know what will.
And Then There’s Amazon
We started this by saying that Amazon could sell kitchens in the near future. Morningstar recently published a paper on how there are certain industries that the giant can’t touch. They also mentioned that they are gaining ground on home centers, despite the fact that those retailers have learned to sell better online.
But if you watched 60 Minutes on Sunday, you would have seen and heard a few things from Jeff Bezos’ crystal ball. First and foremost was that Amazon could sell any product.
And if you think those words aren’t enough, we got a peek into Amazon’s lab, where drones are being tested to deliver same day packages. Now, drones won’t deliver kitchens, but it sure speaks to unlimited potential. When you think about it, the home centers forced the model of home delivery of kitchens. If the delivery model is there, only a few obstacles remain.
Since Amazon currently hosts some of the world’s largest retailers on its cloud servers, can it be far off that they will figure out how to configure kitchens?