The kitchen cabinet sales process winds its way down from the manufacturer, all the way to the consumer. At each stop along the way, there are judgments made about the value, benefits, aesthetics and function of the cabinet line. At any point, there can be either positive or negative feedback. Regardless of the line, there will always be some negative reports. Occasional problems are to be expected, but when your supplier begins failing you, it may be time to start shopping.
Once you begin to get clusters of complaints from installers, sales staff, contractors or customers, it is time to pay attention. When you become aware of an increase in these complaints, document each one with specific details. If the objections show a common thread, contact the manufacturer as quickly as possible. Ignoring a rise in complaints can jeopardize your entire kitchen cabinet sales process. In some cases, there may be a glitch in the manufacturing process that has gone unnoticed. Alerting the factory of the rise in complaints will bring a quick reaction to correct the problem. Allowing it to continue can hurt both you and the cabinet maker. Unfortunately, the opposite can also occur: the manufacturer can deny any problems or liabilities for faulty merchandise and suggest the problem is on your end. Cover your bases and rule out this possibility before you make the call.
Changes in Quality
Keep up with trade publications. The kitchen cabinet sales process is competitive. If you’ve read of a rise in hardwood prices, but have heard of no price increases, be watchful. If you notice a trend of hardware suppliers switching from Swiss or American-made components to Asian-supplied hardware, take note of it. Sometimes changes are made at levels that affect costs but not quality. Other times, both costs and quality are affected. Changes designed to be more price-competitive with others in the industry don’t often end up on a billboard – especially when they may negatively impact an established standard of quality. Your reputation depends on your supplier’s product.
Less Marketing Support
Branding, value, quality and price are all components of marketing and advertising. If your line of cabinets is not given public exposure, the competition can attain an upper hand. Advertising is a major component and a responsibility of both you and the manufacturer of the cabinet line you carry. It is a key to your continued success and the overall kitchen cabinet sales process. If sales literature, publication advertising and marketing have become stale or non-existent, your line and sales will suffer. Market changes require fresh approaches to advertising. You should find out why it isn’t happening and make decisions accordingly.
Brand promotion, name recognition, value, consistent quality and support are common assets to any business. A lack of any or all of these can be detrimental to the kitchen cabinet sales process. Take notice of these areas. When they become major concerns, it may be time to look elsewhere for another line. The earlier you act, the better your sales will be and the less your reputation is likely to suffer.