If this is your first Tweetchat, welcome! We know it can get a little overwhelming at times so we’ve put together some tips for participating in the chat. We’re looking forward to hearing from you in the chat!
General information
- If you have any questions, tweet us @companioncab or call us at 704-688-4090.
- We will be holding our Dealer’s Voice chats monthly (The first Friday of every month).
How to participate
- You will need a twitter handle (login) in order to participate. If you haven’t already created one, do so prior to the chat.
- To access our Tweetchat room, click here: http://tweetchat.com/room/dealersvoice, or, you can log into the Tweetchat program at http://tweetchat.com and enter “dealersvoice” into the search bar.
- When you’re successfully logged in, you will see a stream of tweets from everyone involved in the conversation. When you tweet from tweetchat, you won’t have to add the hashtag #dealersvoice to your tweets. This will automatically be done for you.
- To answer questions posted by the moderator, type A1: for Q1:, A2: for Q2:, etc. at the beginning of your tweets. This represents “Answer to Question 1” “Answer to Question 2,” etc.
- You’re welcome to write your own responses the whole time, but there are other options as well. Next to each tweeter’s tweet, you’ll see an option to reply to or even re-tweet their tweet (represented by the arrow options on the right side of each tweet).
- Your tweets will need to be 140 Characters or less…so keep them as short as possible
- If you have a link to add and it takes up too much room, www.tinyurl.com is a helpful tool for shortening the link.
- If you’re interested in learning more about, or connecting with a fellow tweeter, click on that tweeter’s name to see more information or follow them.
Customization Hints
- Tweet whenever you’re comfortable. It’s best to keep up with the topic on hand, but surely if you have something to add to an earlier topic, all relevant comments are welcome.
- If you can’t seem to keep up because there are a lot of tweets coming in at once, you can click the pause button at any time, and then play when ready. You can also set your “refresh” speed by clicking “refresh speed” located at the top of the page.
- To change the size of the font, click on “Toggle Font.”
Additional Notes
- If you use Hootsuite or Tweetdeck a column can be set up for #dealersvoice. This is another good way to follow the conversation.
- This Tweetchat is designed for kitchen and bath industry professionals.
- Do not overtly advertize or solicit. This is meant to be helpful conversation where everyone can add useful information to the topic. If you do have links to helpful information pertaining to the topic, feel free to share.