The time has come to reveal the questions for our #DealersVoice tweetchat! Since we know that a lot of dealers have questions about sales and marketing in the industry, we thought to ourselves “Hey, why not let them get some answers that will help dealers grow their business?”
On top of that, we’ve got some great people coming to the chat and they are ready to answer your industry questions. Chris, Brent, Nick and Steve are excited to chat with you and find a way to help your dealership succeed. So join us on Friday, October 5 at 3pm EST for a great conversation about sales and marketing in the cabinet industry.
Discussion Topics
The #DealersVoice tweetchat discussion questions are:
1) What mediums have delivered the most consistent flow of leads to your showroom?
2) How has the use of a design fee helped you close a sale?
3) How has NOT using a design fee helped you close a sale?
4) How have you used mfg promotions creatively to help you close a sale?
5) How have you used mfg co-op programs creatively to help you close a sale?
6) What’s a showroom improvement you’ve done that has helped you close more?
We hope to hear from you in the chat! Contact us if you need some tweet-chat tutoring. We’re hosting a webinar Friday, September 28 at 1pm EST to go over some tips and tricks for Twitter.