Throughout our business lives, we’ve all learned it. “You need to be consistent.” It’s one of those important phrases that sort of goes without say. We know we should listen, but it is just so easy to stray from the norm and do “whatever is needed,” regardless of whether or not it was in the initial company plan. Is it really that important…and if so, why should you strive to follow a process that makes your kitchen cabinet dealership’s vision and overall processes recognizably constant? Let’s explore.
Does your business have a consistent vision?
Suppose I were to walk through your doors and privately ask your employees the following few basic questions:
- Why are you (and will you continue) working for this company?
- Why is this company better than all of its competition?
- Do you think that this particular business will be successful? Why or why not?
By listening to your employees, I should be able to determine whether or not your dealership or remodeling business has a consistent vision. I’m not looking so much for what each of these individuals says, but rather what each of them does not say. Each employee may have big hopes and dreams for your company, but unless every employee holds the same vision that your company has built, everyone will be shooting for a different target, and the company will not have enough of a unified aim to succeed.
Why does your company need a consistent vision?
Not too long ago, I came across a study in the Wall Street Journal speaking of the importance of a company’s vision. According to the study, companies using mission or vision statements were likely to be six times more successful than those without. The rationale behind the findings suggests that knowledge of the company’s intended direction and goals allows employers and employees to work together toward these goals. Without a clearly defined direction, employees do not know what they are working towards.
Communicating your vision to employees
Employees need to be on board with the goals and direction of your kitchen cabinet dealership, and it is not enough to simply hang a copy of the vision statement on the wall. Don’t panic… there is an easy fix. Drill your cabinet dealership’s vision into your employees. Teach them from day one on the job what to shoot for, and explain things they can do to help get there. People want to be included and feel like they had a hand in making something successful. It takes unified ambition to build success.
In addition to making your vision known to your employees, you’ll need to facilitate two-way communication. If they ever have questions regarding company success, they should not be afraid to ask you, and they should receive a response. The fact that the employee is asking means they probably really do want to help you succeed. You’ll also need to provide additional support when the dealership is going through a period of change (the story of our lives, right?).
By removing employee blindfolds and eliminating unnecessary targets, you’ll be showing your employees a clearer picture of where to place their aim. It’s been a rough few years for the kitchen and bath industry, but it’s time to set our objectives straight. Communicating your vision is the first step to your new-found success.