Kitchen design is a skill that takes years to master, but do you need decades of experience to learn enough to sell kitchens? Our vote is no. Woah, now… before you get all defensive, hear us out. Pair basic kitchen design knowledge with the right sales training and a person motivated to win, and we’d argue that that individual may even be better at selling kitchens than someone who has mastered design but hasn’t quite polished their closing skills.
We wrote about this recently after we posted Part 1 of “Learning Kitchen Design – Understanding the Basics, Part 1.” We received a lot of great feedback from Part 1, so we were eager to make Part 2 available.
Sales vs. design?
Of course, we don’t want you to go cutting your staff and hiring a bunch of newbies, but if someone applies for an opening and they show a great background in sales, a passion for closing, but minimal design experience, why not give them a chance? Start with the basics, and they can grow from there.
These guides should be used in conjunction with 4M Sales Training to help train new-hires. They can also be used as a tool for designers or other industry professionals to brush up on their basics.
Would you hire someone with minimal design experience to help you sell kitchens? Let us know in the comments!