In March, a somewhat heated debate was sparked between kitchen and bath industry experts alike. The topic of discussion – How relevant is the NKBA? The responses instantly started pouring in and people quickly set up camp on one side or the other, revealing their reasons for loving or not caring for the NKBA. Responses came through in the ways of blog comments, LinkedIn forums, social media and every day discussions.
Possibly due to the sensitive nature of the topic, some LinkedIn groups removed the NKBA relevancy topic from their forums. But, they weren’t quick enough. We had already gathered an impressive amount of interesting responses.
Sharing is Caring
Naturally, we wanted to share our findings, so we pooled them together into a summary, filled with positives and negatives regarding the NKBA – in many of your own words. It’s important to mention that this wasn’t an official study with scientific results, but rather a discussion amongst NKBA members and non-members alike. We decided not to take sides, but rather to lay out the information at hand, and let you all draw your own conclusions.
Hopefully, some of you will get a better understanding of reasons why your peers benefit or feel neglected by the NKBA. Regardless, we couldn’t leave your great responses floating around in cyberspace to be ignored.
Download your free copy of the NKBA Relevancy Debate Summary by clicking on the button below.