It’s easy to run your business the way you always have, but that doesn’t mean you should. Change is scary, right? But, you’ve heard the old sayings, “No gutz, no glory” and “No pain, no gain.” They’re full of truth.
New whitepaper
In our newest whitepaper “Teach the Old Dealer New Tricks,” we analyze two different ways of running a kitchen and bath or remodeling business – the old way, and the new way. We compare elements of each so that the reader will learn about:
- Signs of inefficiency
- Sales teams that are actually teams
- Holding teams accountable
- Keeping the business you work hard to maintain
If you’re running your business the way you’ve always ran it (and the way your dad and grandfather ran it), it’s time for a change. The world operates differently today and there are so many tools available to make you more efficient and profitable.