The last Friday of the month falls amidst all of the holiday cheer, so we’re going to postpone the Tweetchat to the first week of the new year. (Rhyme somewhat intended)
Join us on January 4th, 1:00pm EST
January 4th at 1:00pm EST, we’ll be hosting a TweetChat for dealers, remodelers, manufacturers, and all other industry professionals who would like to join.
During the past couple TweetChats we covered the Meet and Measure stage of the sales process; so now we’re headed to the Match phase. Compare your tactics with other professionals in your industry as we dig into the design and commitment details of the Match phase.
If you’re new to TweetChat, visit the Dealer’s Voice TweetChat general instructions overview. Below is the list of questions (subject to change) we’ll be asking during the January 4th TweetChat.
Match Phase TweetChat Questions
- What important details do you make sure you have straight before moving forward with the design?
- How many designs do you present initially to the customer?
- How do you organize your designs when presenting to the customer? (by price/features/other)
- What details do you typically highlight/make the prospect aware of when presenting each design?
- Where physically do you present your designs to the customer? (room/location)
- Do you always present every single one of your initial designs, or do you stop if they’ve seen enough?
- If there is a competitor design involved, what tactics do you use to sell them on yours instead?
- How do you sell the prospect a design if they don’t seem 100% convinced.
- If they are not convinced, what is the timeframe you set for a decision?
- If the prospect says yes to your services, what is your next step?
Hope to see you all there! For more information on the 4M Sales Process, download the free 4M Power Pack eBook below.