EQ Implementation Center
The Place to Learn how to Implement EQWelcome to EQ Implementation Training! There are multiple options below. You’ll see a section to download training guides, watch training videos or peruse other training topics. Help yourself and if you don’t find your answer, try the Training Center, Help Center or contact us to speak to someone via chat below, phone or email.
Implementation Training Videos
Use these videos to help you setup EQ for your company and get everything ready for user training.
NOTE: There is a small icon at the bottom right of each video to make it full screen so you can see it better.
Creating Users in EQ
Watch this video to see how to create employees and users in EQ and how to grant them a license to login, assign them a role and a location(s).
Creating & Assigning Roles in EQ
Watch this video to see how to create and assign Roles to users in EQ. A user’s Role determines what that user can and cannot do in EQ.
Creating Suppliers, Supplier Contacts & Account Numbers
There are a few parts to consider when creating Suppliers and Supplier information.
1) The Supplier Information: Supplier name, addresses and contact info
2) Supplier Contacts: You’ll want to create contacts for the supplier, including an “Orders” contact (with email address) if you email orders to your Supplier.
3) Each Supplier you will order from needs an Account Number. If you don’t have a formal account number, just enter your company name as the account number.
Customize Your Data Lists
This video shows how to customize your lists of things in EQ for your company. This is where you customize things to your specific company. Things like “Customer Types”, “Job Types”, “Lead Sources” and a lot of others.
Quote Note Templates
Here you learn how to setup your “Quote Notes Templates” which can automatically populate on every Quote created. They can also be optional and can be added to any Quote. These are things like payment terms, contract agreement terms, etc.
Add Your Company’s Logo to EQ
This video shows how to add your company’s logo to EQ so it shows on proposals/contracts. Keep in mind you don’t want a bunch of whitespace around your logo, otherwise your logo will look too small.
Make sure you upload a logo that’s just the pure logo. Not one that’s on any sort of background.
Setup Your Cost Factors
This video shows how to setup cost factors or multipliers for your catalogs. For any “List Price” catalogs, you will have a cost factor or multiplier (common in cabinet catalogs and many others). If the catalog simply includes your actual costs, then your multiplier is 100 (or 100%).
Cost factors can even be different by doorstyle or for different products or selections in a catalog. Gather your supplier’s cost information before you implement those factors into EQ.
Setting Up Pricing Profiles
This video shows how to setup your Pricing Profiles that determine sell prices. You can determine your margin by catalog or even individual products within the Pricing Profile. You can also create as many Pricing Profiles as you want, including ones like “Builder”, “Contractor”, “Retail Customer” etc. where you would charge different prices based on what category of customer they are. So a Pricing Profile is like a “Pricing Category”.
NOTE: The most efficient way to setup Pricing Profiles is to setup the most common one you do, and get it all set, then copy it and rename it for the 2nd one you do. Then you can edit it from there. This saves you from creating every one from scratch.
Catalog Default Settings
Watch this video to know how to set each catalog’s default settings. These are things like “Default Ship To”, and “Default Ship Via” settings.
Setting Up Your Workflow
Think of Workflow as the passing of the “electronic job folder” around your orgnization. Workflow step 1 is the designer creating the initial Quote, then it goes to step 2, which might be an approval process where someone else has to do something with it before it gets signed.
Step 3 might be “Contract Signed” meaning the customer signed the contract and it’s a real order now. Then step 4 might be “Ready to Purchase” where it’s ready to have the Purchase Orders generated and sent to Suppliers. This is workflow, and it goes all the way down the line until the job is complete. Think of each Workflow step as the passing of the job onto the next person that needs to do something with it.
Feb EQ Updates
February EQ Feature Updates! The following feature updates are now live in EQ. 1) Contract Pricing! You Can Now LOCK Your Price on an Order so it Doesn't Change Major Feature! Now you can have your price LOCKED (either manually or via workflow step) so that the...
You Can Now Lock the Contract Price in EQ!
Contract Pricing! You Can Now LOCK Your Price on an Order so it Doesn't Change MAJOR FEATURE! Now you can have your price LOCKED (either manually or via workflow step) so that the "Contract Price" won't change, even if you make changes to the line items or prices....
2nd Set of Aug Updates
The 2nd set of August EQ updates include revamped PO Reference Numbers, with additional suffix, an editable “taxable” flag on catalog items, and a text change on email footers.
Aug 2023 EQ Feature Update
New August updates include Sidekick Search improvements/fixes, three new Proposals/Contracts,
4M Training FREE to EQ Users!
4M Sales Training is now available as an online webinar course, AND it’s FREE to EQ Users! Click the link to get access to this most valuable training in the industry.
My Browser Stopped Filling in my Password and I Forgot it
If your browser fills in your password for EQ for you, and suddenly stops for whatever reason, here’s how you can find out what your saved passwords are.
How to Clear Your Cache
Sometimes your browser session gets “choked up”, so to speak and things don’t work right. When this happens and doesn’t clear itself up, you may need to clear your cache. Here’s how to do that.
Allowance Catalogs – How to Create and Use Them
Did you know you can create your own catalogs for “Allowances” in EQ? You can, for just about anything. Follow these instructions.
May 2023 EQ Feature Updates
New features and fixes in the May release include new columns that show “Rejected Quote Reasons/Comments”, “Supplier & Installer Types” and other miscellaneous features and fixes.
How to Apply Manufacturer Promotions in Catalogs
Most manufacturer promotions can be built into the EQ catalog. Follow these steps to use the promotions to take advantage of price discounts when quoting/selling.
April New Features / Fixes
These are the new features and fixes for April. They include fixes to UDC Catalog editor, installation on line items, proposals and contracts, and more.
March New Features / Fixes
A large update was released in March, including new features like Color Proposals / Contracts, Automated SPA Numbers, Tasks Fixes and much more.
February New Features / Fixes
The February update includes printing multiple POs, Proposal / Report changes and other new features / fixes.
All About EQ Reports
There are multiple places in EQ to get reports, depending on what you’re looking for. This reviews all of them in detail.
Catalog Switcher
This post explains how to use the Catalog Switcher, and what it does. This helps you change products from one catalog to another one, dealing with the differences in product codes, selections and modifications.
December 2022 EQ Updates
The December EQ Update includes new changes to PO Reference numbers, new report changes, and various other improvements.
New Report! Service Order Totals
We’ve introduced a new report which is like the Order Totals Report, but it’s broken down by “Service Reason Code”. This way you can see the totals by Reason Code on Service Orders.
EQ Adds Backorder Functionality to Purchase Orders
We’ve added the ability to track backordered items to EQ Purchase Orders. If an item gets backordered you can now mark it “Backordered” and it will show as such on Pick Tickets.
MORE EQ Updates March 2022
The 2nd Set of Updates in March 2022 include new Proposal / Contract updates to make them look more modern. These are the first of many updates that will be made to Proposals & Contracts. Also included is a major performance update when bulk deleting Selections.
EQ Updates March 2022
March updates include a new Proposal, changes to the Pick Tickets, QuickBooks Purchase Order Exports and other improvements.
Solution to EQ Emails Not Going Through
If your Customers or Suppliers are not receiving emails sent from EQ, use this information to fix the problem once and for all.
New Feature: QuickBooks Sales Order and Purchase Order Exports
You can now export Sales Orders and Purchase Orders to QuickBooks (you can import them as Sales Orders or Estimates in QB). This is handled via a 3rd party application.
New Contract: Contract By Item Group WITHOUT Grand Total
When you want to show subtotals by Room or Item Group and NOT show a Grand Total (for example, if you’re showing Options and don’t want them included in a total), this report is to accomplish that.
EQ Updates Jan 2022
See the new features and fixes for Jan 2022, which include a new Contract, QuickBooks Sales
What is Seen on Management Dashboard
The Management Dashboard is very useful, not just for managers, but for everyone. On the Management Dashboard, people ONLY see what they’re already allowed to see. So you don’t have to worry about showing too much.
Account Manager Added to EQ
We have added a field to EQ called “Account Manager”. This is to capture the overall sales or account person for the Customer and Job.
New Line Item Contracts Showing Descriptions Only
We’ve added 2 new line item Contracts that do NOT show the Supplier or Product Code of the line items, but they only show the line item Descriptions.
NEW Pick Ticket Changes – Suppress Items From Pick Ticket
You can now suppress which items will show on your Pick Tickets, and Payment Terms have been added also.
Exporting Designs from 2020 V10 or Later
These are instructions on how to export your design from 2020 V10 or later so that it can be imported into EQ.
Importing a Design From 2020 V10 or Later
The instructions below show how to import your 2020 design (via csv export) into your EQ Quote. Here's how to do it. https://youtu.be/b5lIqldihHs To import a 2020 csv file, on your Line Items tab in the menu, choose "Actions" and "Import". Import Wizard Step 1 –...
How Do I Adjust the Price of ONE Line Item?
Sometimes people want to adjust the price of just one line item. EQ controls price adjustments but there are a couple ways to accomplish this.
Stock Inventory Method in EQ
Sometimes people ask if they can track inventory of items in EQ. While we technically don't have an inventory module, there is one thing that some dealers do to track inventory they stock inside of EQ. If you're just looking to have a place that tells you how many of...
Adding User-Specified Cost Items
Some catalog items require you to enter the cost or list price. Here’s how you handle those items.
Import 2020 Design as Misc Items
You can now import any catalog from 2020 as Misc Items in EQ, so you don’t even have to have the catalog in EQ to be able to import.
Better Searches with the Product Finder
You can use Equilibrium's Product Finder to quickly locate any item in a manufacturer's catalog. You can either search by the CODE, or the DESCRIPTION of the products. NOTE: When you search in the CODE field, it's looking for an exact match on the 1st characters you...
EQ Lead Management Process
If you want to track Leads with EQ, here is a typical process to do so. Create and Opportunity and follow these steps.
Move (or Copy) Items (Or POs) to Another Sales Order
New Feature! You can now move or copy items from one order to another, even if they've already been purchased or received! Technically you can even move a Purchase Order to another Sales Order (by moving all the items). Example 1: Let's say you've ordered some...
New Feature – Receiving into Bin Locations
We added the ability to receive item into specific Bin Locations in Equilibrium. You can setup your bins in Setup/System Configuration. Then choose the Bin when you receive items. The Bin Location then shows on the Pick Ticket so warehouse personnel know where to get...
New Feature – Bulk Delete Selections and Modifications
It's finally here! The feature everyone has been asking for. You can now delete multiple selections or modifications at once with Bulk Delete Selections or Mods. Select all the line items you want to delete selections or mods from, then go to Bulk Actions and choose...
New Feature – Time Tracking
You can now keep track of time spent on any activities in EQ! Setup your activities you want to track in Setup/System Configuration. Then track time on the Job or on the Order for anything you do. See if you're really effective by looking at your total time spent on...
When to Use Apply Selections (and NOT)
Do you import from 2020? If you do, and you choose your selections in 2020 (door style, finish, etc.), then you DO NOT have to choose your selections in the selections tab of your order in EQ. It’s true that the selections in the selections tab are blank, but that’s...
Discover the Power of Right-Click
You should try right-clicking on labels in the Business Directory, Opportunity/Job list, Quote/Order list and Line Items tab to get quick access to the action icons that relate to that item. This is tremendously helpful if the action column is off the side of...
Using Multiple Browser Tabs in EQ
Do you want to do multiple things at once? Try using multiple browser tabs! If you right-click on something, you can choose “open in new tab” and open up another tab with EQ in it. Or just go under the file menu and choose “New Tab” and to to EQ there also. For...
Importing a Design Into Multiple Rooms
Sometimes people are going through the import process twice or more so they can import the different catalogs of items from 2020 into different rooms in EQ. There’s an easier way…. Import all the catalogs at the same time, and they will appear as different item groups...
Exporting From 2020 V10 or Later
2020 V10 and Later Export In 2020 version 10 and later, go to the Presentation tab and click on Reports Select "Order Form" and click OK Check the following in the General tab of the "Order Form Options" Check the following in the Pricing tab (the Headers and...
Fix Un-Found Products on 2020 Import
You know how when products coming from 2020 are not recognized, they come in as Misc. Items? Then you have to fix them by re-selecting any mods or selections that were on them but were lost? Well….. In the new version of EQ you can fix them during the import, and not...
Switch Items to a New Catalog
Instructions on Switching Items to a New Catalog When you need to switch line items to another catalog, follow these directions. IMPORTANT! BEFORE you do this, take note (or a snapshot) of what your pricing is and what your selections and modifications are in case you...
Change PDF View Settings in Firefox
If you're having a problem getting reports to show up when trying to view them in Firefox, it may be due to a Firefox update that changed PDF settings. Try the following to change it back. Firefox releases updates sometimes which change the default setting for which...
Hiding the Sidekick to Get More Screen Space
To gain more space on your screen for other activities, like entering products on a quote, you can hide the Sidekick by clicking the << icon at the top of the sidebar. Click on the >> icon on the left side of your screen below the Equilibrium logo to...
Losing Opportunities and Rejecting Quotes
There are 2 levels of “Losing” anything in EQ. “Losing Opportunities” and “Rejecting Quotes”. Rejecting Quotes results in capturing a “reason” why the quote is being rejected. Losing Opportunities is just a way of indicating the Opp was not won. Losing Opportunities...