Equilibrium Updates!

See all the new things going on with EQ here. New features, bug fixes, news or announcements.

July EQ Updates

July EQ Updates

In this update you’ll find Proposal/Contract Favorites, PO updates, Quickbook export updates and other fixes and features.

March EQ Updates

March EQ Updates

March EQ Feature Updates! The following feature updates are now live in EQ. 1) Copy Selections to Other Item Groups on Selections Tab If you've ever had multiple items groups with cabinets from the same catalog in them, you'll remember that you have to pick the...

February Update – Performance Improvements PLUS

February Update – Performance Improvements PLUS

Second February EQ Updates! MASSIVE PERFORMANCE UPDATE! EQ has been updated with MASSIVE performance updates in the 2 most needed parts of EQ. 1) Deleting Items - Deleting items is SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER now. You can delete 1 item, many selected items, an item group or...

Feb EQ Updates

Feb EQ Updates

February EQ Feature Updates! The following feature updates are now live in EQ. 1) Contract Pricing! You Can Now LOCK Your Price on an Order so it Doesn't Change Major Feature! Now you can have your price LOCKED (either manually or via workflow step) so that the...

You Can Now Lock the Contract Price in EQ!

You Can Now Lock the Contract Price in EQ!

Contract Pricing! You Can Now LOCK Your Price on an Order so it Doesn't Change MAJOR FEATURE! Now you can have your price LOCKED (either manually or via workflow step) so that the "Contract Price" won't change, even if you make changes to the line items or prices....

2nd Set of Aug Updates

2nd Set of Aug Updates

The 2nd set of August EQ updates include revamped PO Reference Numbers, with additional suffix, an editable “taxable” flag on catalog items, and a text change on email footers.

4M Training FREE to EQ Users!

4M Training FREE to EQ Users!

4M Sales Training is now available as an online webinar course, AND it’s FREE to EQ Users! Click the link to get access to this most valuable training in the industry.

May 2023 EQ Feature Updates

May 2023 EQ Feature Updates

New features and fixes in the May release include new columns that show “Rejected Quote Reasons/Comments”, “Supplier & Installer Types” and other miscellaneous features and fixes.

April New Features / Fixes

April New Features / Fixes

These are the new features and fixes for April. They include fixes to UDC Catalog editor, installation on line items, proposals and contracts, and more.

March New Features / Fixes

March New Features / Fixes

A large update was released in March, including new features like Color Proposals / Contracts, Automated SPA Numbers, Tasks Fixes and much more.

January 2023 EQ Updates

January 2023 EQ Updates

EQ has been updated with major improvements in the Catalog Switcher, as well as the Specbooks import, Bulk Actions and other areas.

Catalog Switcher

Catalog Switcher

This post explains how to use the Catalog Switcher, and what it does. This helps you change products from one catalog to another one, dealing with the differences in product codes, selections and modifications.

December 2022 EQ Updates

December 2022 EQ Updates

The December EQ Update includes new changes to PO Reference numbers, new report changes, and various other improvements.

Second September Updates

Second September Updates

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has been added to EQ, a “Customer” section to Pick Tickets, and various other improvements.

Fuel Surcharge Name Now Editable

Fuel Surcharge Name Now Editable

You can now edit the name of the “Fuel Surcharge” to be whatever you want. You edit the name of it in the Location settings.

EQ Updates May 2022

EQ Updates May 2022

2 new features were added in this update. Fuel Surcharges are now part of EQ to charge and show your customers. Descriptions and Notes fields are now expandable so you can see the entire thing to edit. Also a few bug fixes are included.

New Report! Service Order Totals

New Report! Service Order Totals

We’ve introduced a new report which is like the Order Totals Report, but it’s broken down by “Service Reason Code”. This way you can see the totals by Reason Code on Service Orders.

MORE EQ Updates March 2022

MORE EQ Updates March 2022

The 2nd Set of Updates in March 2022 include new Proposal / Contract updates to make them look more modern. These are the first of many updates that will be made to Proposals & Contracts. Also included is a major performance update when bulk deleting Selections.

EQ Updates March 2022

EQ Updates March 2022

March updates include a new Proposal, changes to the Pick Tickets, QuickBooks Purchase Order Exports and other improvements.

Performance Fixes Feb 2022

Performance Fixes Feb 2022

We’ve made 2 significant performance improvements in EQ. First is when a Quote or Sales Order builds up a LOT of history, it would slow down the Order so things take longer. The second is when creating PO’s and you have a lot of items or use a PO rule to separate items out. This would sometimes be slow or lock up the order. These 2 issues have been fixed and performance is drastically better.

EQ Updates Jan 2022

EQ Updates Jan 2022

See the new features and fixes for Jan 2022, which include a new Contract, QuickBooks Sales

December 2021 Fixes

December 2021 Fixes

This update fixes a couple of issues in EQ when “Duplicating Line Items” or “Importing Address from Customer”.

Nov 2021 EQ Updates

Nov 2021 EQ Updates

The Nov 2021 EQ update includes improvements like Sidekick search, 2020 import improvements, new PO export for manufacturers and other misc improvements.

Supplier Account Numbers Fix

Supplier Account Numbers Fix

We’ve fixed a bug in Supplier Account Numbers where it was NOT limiting the Suppliers or Catalogs to only the Locations that have a valid account number. If you’re no longer seeing a Supplier or Catalog you were previously, follow these instructions.

Sept 2021 Updates

Sept 2021 Updates

New updates in Sep 2021 include Created Date and Acct Manager columns on Opps/Job List, Fixes to Switch Catalogs, Added history events and more.

Apply Selections Speed Fixed

Apply Selections Speed Fixed

Apply Selections has had a massive performance improvement. Now it’s lightening fast to apply selections to even huge orders.

Calendar Job Panel Improvements

Calendar Job Panel Improvements

The Calendar Job’s Panel has been completely revamped to dramatically increase speed. Now the list comes up immediately with no lag.

New Features & Fixes

New Features & Fixes

This release improves performance of deleting items/groups/rooms, adds ability to combine Misc Items and Catalog Items on a PO, and improves calendar performance.

Account Manager Added to EQ

Account Manager Added to EQ

We have added a field to EQ called “Account Manager”. This is to capture the overall sales or account person for the Customer and Job.

August 2020 EQ Update

August 2020 EQ Update

New features added to EQ. Cubes on Purchase Orders, Ability to Calculate Cubes for Multiple PO’s, 5 New Calendars to Utilize in Scheduling, and misc fixes.

Import 2020 Design as Misc Items

Import 2020 Design as Misc Items

You can now import any catalog from 2020 as Misc Items in EQ, so you don’t even have to have the catalog in EQ to be able to import.

Move (or Copy) Items (Or POs) to Another Sales Order

Move (or Copy) Items (Or POs) to Another Sales Order

New Feature! You can now move or copy items from one order to another, even if they've already been purchased or received! Technically you can even move a Purchase Order to another Sales Order (by moving all the items). Example 1: Let's say you've ordered some...

Fixed! Confirm Notes Now Show on PO Lists

Fixed! Confirm Notes Now Show on PO Lists

Confirm notes were not showing when you made the Confirm Notes column visible in either PO list. They now show when you show that column either inside the order on the Purchasing tab, or on the PO List. To see all the latest fixes and features...

Fixed! Account Number Now Auto-Popluates on PO

Fixed! Account Number Now Auto-Popluates on PO

The account number field for a Purchase Order now populates automatically if there is only 1 possible account number for the order. Even if there are multiple account numbers for the company, as long as there are not multiple available to that order/location it will...

NEW! Attach Documents at Customer Level

NEW! Attach Documents at Customer Level

You can now attach documents at the Customer Level. Docs attached at Customer level can automatically be seen on any Jobs or Quotes/Orders for that customer.

Fixed! Scrolling in History Tab Works

Fixed! Scrolling in History Tab Works

In the history tab you could not scroll to see the history lines if there were enough to fill the page. You can now scroll to see entire history.

Ability to Put $ In Description Field

Ability to Put $ In Description Field

We’ve added the ability to use $ in the description field again. Use them as much as you want now. Previously they caused an issue which has been resolved.

Edit Line Item Hovertext Removed

Edit Line Item Hovertext Removed

When users tried to click the pencil to edit a line item the hovertext that says "Edit Line Item" would sometimes get in the way of clicking the pencil. The hovertext has been removed so that this doesn't happen. It's pretty self-explanatory what the pencil is anyway.

New Feature – Receiving into Bin Locations

New Feature – Receiving into Bin Locations

We added the ability to receive item into specific Bin Locations in Equilibrium. You can setup your bins in Setup/System Configuration. Then choose the Bin when you receive items. The Bin Location then shows on the Pick Ticket so warehouse personnel know where to get...

New Feature – Bulk Delete Selections and Modifications

New Feature – Bulk Delete Selections and Modifications

It's finally here! The feature everyone has been asking for. You can now delete multiple selections or modifications at once with Bulk Delete Selections or Mods. Select all the line items you want to delete selections or mods from, then go to Bulk Actions and choose...

New Feature – Time Tracking

New Feature – Time Tracking

You can now keep track of time spent on any activities in EQ! Setup your activities you want to track in Setup/System Configuration. Then track time on the Job or on the Order for anything you do. See if you're really effective by looking at your total time spent on...

New Version Features 2016

New Version Features 2016

2016 Brings a MAJOR new release of EQ! The following features are part of the new version.  Job, Quote & Order Features New Design Import Import 2020 Version 10 and Later Bring 2020 Design “Notes” into EQ Order on Import Identify multiple 2020 code matches on...